Celine Bamogo 's Podcast

Natural haircare products Scams! Stop it

Celine Bamogo Season 1 Episode 2

Let's talk about the lack of awareness of fake natural haircare products. There is no magical oil that grows your hair faster than what you already are genetically predisposed for! What haircare products do is, create an optimal environment for hair growth not grow it faster than the good Lord intended for you. Anyone one who tell you the opposite is telling a lie. When the environment is great AKA healthy scalp then your hair will growth as it supposed to. That combined with a good haircare  regimen AKA how you comb, detangle manage your hair to avoid more breakage results in you retaining more length thus longer healthier beautiful hair. It's not just the product, some are lucky to have already manageable hair to need just products and see growth or see what then can already growth but most of 4C type hair need more than the product, so stop the lies. Next episode I will tell you how i grew my long lush elbow length hair.